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Simselves 3.16

Shy Emma Fairfax throws a party!

Week 3, Thursday, part 4

Emmaline Simself-Woods talks to a friend about her painting.

Painting in her formal wear?

It's a lovely dress though.

Shy Emma Fairfax-Singleton is having a party!

The guests are Keagan Rees, Bekkasan Sim, and Cami Kat, who is being anti-social.

Bekkasan received a text from Zac Whipsnake. Clearly, she is not happy about it.

Well, it must have been his first text. He just learned how to use the Social Networking skill. Look out, Zac, that can get addicting really fast!

Bekkasan decided to release some of her frustration with Zac by dancing with Keagan.

Emma Fairfax is dancing by herself.

Phoenix Flannagan had puppies with Treble Schmidt. Meet Brandon (front) and Prince (back) Flannagan.

Celina is going to be a big sister! Rodney and Betty Simovitch-Singleton are expecting their second child.

Ross Preston-Burton has improved his Athletic skill.

Josie Vulpis-Pinkerton is now an adult.

@emorrill - @KayzaPlyr - @Hemera123 - @bekkasan - @TinySpaceFox - @CravenLestat - @king_of_simcity7



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