Simselves 4.6
Week 4, Monday, part 3
Mark and Emmaline Simself-Woods are the proud parents of a boy. Meet Franco Simself-Woods!
Franco Simself-Woods (Mark Woods & Emmaline Simself)
Born: Week 4, Day 2
Sign: Scorpio
Favorites: French Music, Lobster Thermadore, Red
Traits: Brave, Couch Potato
Who knew? LOL
Mark and Emmaline Simself-Woods are finally caught up on their bills. Hopefully, they can keep it that way now.
Alouette Bird has also paid off her tax debt.
Craig Clarson spent the evening at the Bishop household hanging out with BJ.
Sprotten Sprottenham improved his writing skill to level 3. That's two increases in one day. He's been hard at work.
Keith Parrott-Rees celebrated his birthday and became a child.
Cashew Fairfax is now an adult dog.
Camellia Tee-Clarson has celebrated her birthday and is now a toddler.
Cole Preston-Burton has entered his teen years. He doesn't look too thrilled about it. I feel for his parents, Ross and Jamie!
Or maybe the expression on his face is because he just got a part-time job at the Mausoleum?
Betty Simovitch-Singleton has aged gracefully into an adult. She is still as beautiful as ever.
Happenings Around Town:
Ethan Parrott has become a young adult. He is reading a bedtime story to his younger brother, Keith Parrott-Rees.
Ethan has registered as a self-employed writer.
The following Sims have been promoted:
Martin Flannigan to Stage Hand in the Music career.
Keagan Rees to Rookie in the Professional Sports career.
Nikkei Simmer to Vegetable Slicer in the Culinary career.
@thuggishsplicer - @emorrill - @king_of_simcity7 - @CravenLestat - @Sprottenham - @Hemera123 - @MamaSimTee - @Tinyspacefox - @Nikkei_Simmer