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Forsythe: Generation 1

The Legacy Begins:

Meet Precious Forsythe, the first member of my Sims 3 Legacy Family

Precious Forsythe has a distinctive birthmark of stars located on the back of her neck. Rather than a distinctive family trait, I have decided that my legacy family heirs would all have this distinctive birthmark.

Precious joined the law enforcement career and moved into Sunset Valley to make a fresh start.

She didn't even know how to cook, so she picked up a cookbook and started studying.

Precious spent a lot of time eating burned food, repairing leaking faucets and clogged toilets. She successfully repaired a television for her boss with very little training. She could have been electrocuted.

Fortunately, she had time to do a good job at work and received several raises and promotions.

She started a small garden, growing fresh lettuce. As she learned more about gardening, she began planting more things and experimenting with fertilizer.

Precious was fortunate to come in contact with two different Wayfarer Horses (Unicorns), one white, and the other one black. She was able to feed apples to the black one near the Stony Falls fishing area where she had been harvesting some wild apples and peppers.

Precious decided to visit the art gallery, and there she met a gentleman by the name of Gobias Koffi. There was an instant attraction. One minute they were getting to know one another, and the next, they were playing tag and running all around the gallery, inside and out, chasing one another. This was not surprising since they both have childish traits.

The next day, she was delivering some food to Gobias at his home. She realized that he was very well off and this made her a bit uncomfortable. But then he kissed her, and she was in love and nothing else mattered.

She invited him back to her place, where they played in the garden sprinkler, and then ended the evening in a heated embrace in her bedroom. When she realized she was pregnant, she distanced herself from Gobias, not wanting him to think her a gold-digger.

She taught herself to fish...

and paint in order to support herself and her unborn child.

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