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Jacob and Tamara Get Married

Tamara Pierson-Hagen is ready for her wedding.

Jacob asks Tamara if she is ready for the ceremony. On the left are Judy and Tate Burr-Forsythe, parents of the groom, with Janelle, sister of the groom. Tammy and Regan are in the background.

Tamara and Jacob getting ready. Several guests have already been in the pool.

The ceremony is about to start.

Jacob recites his vows to Tamara.

Tamara recites her vows to Jacob.

Tamara puts on Jacob's ring.

Jacob puts on Tamara's ring.

A moment of shared happiness.

Their first kiss as husband and wife.

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Hagen-Forsythe!

Their first dance.

A dip kiss is always so romantic.

Jacob thinks his wife is beautiful. He is near tears.

Jacob is overwhelmed with the thought of being married to Tamara. You can clearly see how happy Tamara is.

The guests that attended the ceremony:

Sharla Crouch-Arce dancing with townie Kareem Osorio, Yinuo getting Business Law from the bookshelf, Teri Grimm-Lawson dancing with townie Bradly Floyd-Ornelas, Derek by the DJ booth, Judy and Tate dancing together, Tammy with her back to the camera, Janelle headed for the door, and Regan.

Sergio Pierson-Hagen, father of the bride, Grady Grimm-Lawson, Derek, townie Bradly Floyd-Ornelas, and Melissa Timmons, Jacob's step-grandmother.

Tammy, Karen, Mayra Pierson-Hagen, mother of the bride, Regan, Drew Pierson-Hagen, brother of the bride, and townie Kareem Osorio.

Sharla Crouch-Arce, townie Eileen Bruce, Zhan, Lesley Pierson-Hagen, sister of the bride, and Tate Burr-Forsythe, father of the groom.

Teri Grimm-Lawson, Judy Burr-Forsythe, mother of the groom, and Grady Grimm-Lawson.

Zhan, Lesley Pierson-Hagen, townie Eileen Bruce, Sharla Crouch-Arce, Sergio Pierson-Hagen in the background, Drew Pierson-Hagen, townie Kareem Osorio, Judy in the background, Mayra Pierson-Hagen talking to Regan, Karen and Melissa Timmons behind Mayra, Teri Grimm-Lawson behind the torch, Grady Grimm-Lawson, Derek, Tammy with townie Bradly Floyd-Ornelas behind her.

Yinou clapping for the newlyweds.

Janelle in her finery.

Tate talking to his daughter Janelle.

NOTE: There was no cake-cutting ceremony, as when I changed the lot to a Private Venue in order to book the wedding, the cake disappeared.



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