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Simselves Literature

I'm checking on the writers. Here is a list of the books written by Simselves and currently being written.

Lisa Dawnlight:

The Loneliest Yeti - §44

Jimmy Sprocket and the Ghost Town Blanket - §25

The Power of Players - not finished

Cheri Nash:

The Loneliest Yeti - §33

Oar and Geese - §48

Haunting Season - not finished

AJ Bishop:

2075 - §30

He Knew It Was Wrong - not finished

BJ Bishop:

Soybean Blue - §16

He is not currently writing a novel.

Blatant Lies - §34

Baguette: Food or Weapon? - not finished

Sam Beckett:

Gem Quest - not finished

Cami Kat:

Attack in the Bear Cave - not finished

Sugar Tee:

Elvis Was A Day Trader - §24

She is not currently writing a novel.

Nikkei Simmer

A Failure On My Behalf - not finished

Betty Simovitch:

Elvis Was A Day Trader - §32

Battle Gnomes - §34

A Failure On My Behalf - §26

The Full Moon Tea - not finished

Emmaline Simself-Woods:

Reticulated Splines: A History - §29

The Perfect Accident - not finished

Mark Simself-Woods:

Driving with Duckies - §27

Right, But Wrong - §11

She Knew It Was Wrong - §22

He Knew It Was Wrong - not finished

Sprotten Sprottenham:

Show Me the Honey - not finished

Becky Black-Tanner:

Kiwis of Peace - not finished



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