Simselves 4.2
Week 4, Sunday, part 2
Here's another post from Sunday. I have at least one more post after this for this Sim day.
John Black-Tanner is off to visit Varg's Tavern.
Josh & Becky Black-Tanner are still in love after all this time.
Sprotten Sprottenham is still stalking Tiffani Strong.
NOTE: This is the 2nd time I have found a Sim stuck in a taxi not moving. I hope my game isn't getting corrupt. I'm not getting a notification from Error Trap either.
Bekkasan Sim and Kenji Midden have been dating.
Nicola Stanford is late for work. If she was counting on Trenton to watch his younger brother, she's out of luck because he's at the movies.
Nicola Stanford was trying to get to the bathroom to throw up, but she couldn't get there from the bedroom. I thought there might be a problem with the door because I couldn't get her to go anywhere outside the room. I went into buy mode to replace the door only to find out it was in use by Trenton Stafford-Singleton. I had to reset the lot, which pulled Trenton out of the movie and back home. So Nicola missed an entire day of work. Hopefully, she won't have a problem tomorrow.
Emma Fairfax-Singleton has just learned the Logic skill.
Lisa Dawnlight was seen hanging out at Chuck Hobble's house again.
Emmaline Simself-Woods has been painting. She now has the titles of Canvas Cretin and Finger Painter and has improved her Painting skill to level 3.
Martin Flannagan has improved his Writing skill to level 2. He decided to relax by playing chess.
AJ Bishop has increased his Athletic skill to level 2.
@king_of_simcity7 - @Sprottenham - @bekkasan - @KayzaPlyr - @lisasc360 - @emorrill - @TinySpaceFox - @CravenLestat