Simselves 3.5
Week 3, Monday, part 2
This one is heavy on notifications, and light on pictures. Sometimes it works out that way.
Only BJ Bishop would go fishing in a snowstorm.

Emma Fairfax-Singleton sold some stuff to add to the family coffers.

Emmaline Simself and Mark Woods are still inseparable.

Kenji Midden has been spending his nights hacking on his computer again.

Emmaline has started a new painting. It looks like she is painting the same one again.

Lexi Rykins has gained another level in the Logic skill.

Lexi and her daughter Kenyatta getting some fresh air.

And she leaves Kenyatta Rykins sitting outside in the snow by herself!

Mark Woods and Emmaline Simself have finally gotten married!

Mark has moved in with Emmaline and the twins. The first thing he did when he arrived home was to watch the Cooking channel.

Emma Fairfax-Singleton has increased her Writing skill.

Emma decided to relax by snowboarding.

Cheri Nash has been writing. She now has the title of Tabloid Typist.

She is taking a break at the library, reading, Physically Fit To Be Tied.

Lisa Dawnlight is reading Murder in Pleasantview.

Cami Kat just received a promotion to Substitute Teacher.

Hailey Shepherd has been promoted to Paramedic.

@CravenLestat - @KayzaPlyr - @emorrill - @king_of_simcity7 - @thuggishsplicer - @texansky - @lisasc360 - @mailin32 - @mycami21