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Simselves 3.4

Week 3, Monday, part 1

Happenings Around Town:

Zac Whipsnake can't let go of Bekkasan Sim.

Cruz Martingale has shown an interest in Tiffani Strong.

Gavin & Josie Vulpis-Pinkerton are still going strong.

Martin Flannagan has been painting. It will be interesting to see what it turns out to be.

Keagan Rees increased his level in the unmentionable skill, and Jazlyn Parrott also increased her level in that skill.

Cheri Nash is busy writing her second novel, Oar and Geese. Her first novel, The Loneliest Yetti, is for sale for §33.

Lisa Dawnlight decided to read Baron Graff Van Gould.

Emmaline Simself has been painting. Her latest masterpiece.

She may be at Koffi Cafe having a cup of joe. It's 4:30 AM.

I was wrong. Emmaline bought the Darris Teeter Grocery.

Booker Fairfax-Singleton is shirking his parental obligations yet again.

I strong-armed him and made him open an account for his children, Danette Pelly and Trenton Stanford, in the amount of §10,000 each. (I took it from his cash and gave it directly to the children, rather than the household funds. I don't think I would have had that option if the households hadn't been out and about at the time.)

I guess I literally took the clothes off his back!

David Arellano is off to work in the Military career. He's wearing a suit to clean latrines? Or is that his outerwear?

Emma Fairfax-Singleton is writing her first novel, Blatant Lies. It seems she already knows her husband Booker's character.

Sprotten Sprottenham needs to find himself a nice gal to settle down with. Apparently, Alouette Bird isn't the one.

It seems that Craig Clarson is dating Gracie Loveland.

Happenings Around Town:

AJ Bishop purchased a car, but the only thing I found in his inventory was the motorcycle he already owned.

BJ Bishop purchased a bicycle, which I did find in his inventory.

Mark Woods purchased a Big Lemon.

@bekkasan - @KevinL5275 - @Zinniavanilla - @TinySpaceFox - @Hemera123 - @texansky - @lisasc360 - @emorrill - @king_of_simcity7 - @KayzaPlyr - @Sprottenham - @CravenLestat - @thuggishsplicer



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