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Simselves 3.23

Week 3, Saturday, part 2

Lisa made her first snowman.

Jennifer Hanover-Wallis gained a level in the Social Networking skill. She was at work at the time. Bad Sim!

Cheri Nash and Shawnee Fox had hearts over their heads. I didn't know that the hopeless romantic trait can cause this.

Lisa just learned how to cook. She made autumn salad.

It appears that Emma & Booker Fairfax-Singleton are expecting.

Apparently, Rodney Simovitch-Singleton has been hacking late at night.

What is up with his outfit!?

Sam Fin-Beckett had to call Benjamin Schmidt to come and snake out his toilet.

AJ Bishop has just finished a few more chapters of his latest novel, He Knew It Was Wrong and decided to play a sports game to relax.

BJ Bishop has been writing It Came From Under the Bed and improved his Writing skill to level 5.

Not to be outdone, Alouette Bird has increased her Writing skill to level 6.

Martin Flannagan has learned how to write.

David Arellano and Amber Strong have fallen in love.

@lisasc360 - @king_of_simcity7 - @texansky - @KayzaPlyr - @emorrill - @CravenLestat - @TinySpaceFox - @KevinL5275



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