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Simselves 3.21

Week 3, Friday, part 4

The escapades of Harold Simself-Woods.

b There are four wild horses hanging around outside of Shear Perfection Salon & Tattoo Parlor.

Mark & Emmaline Simself-Woods are expecting another one. It looks like they will have three in diapers soon. They don't have room for any more cribs, much less for beds when the toddlers become children. I'm going to have to find them a bigger place to live.

Mark Simself-Woods just celebrated his birthday and is now an adult...

...and having a midlife crisis.

As soon as Mark finished his birthday, I moved them to a different house. The family teleported across town into their new home. When I checked to see where the toddlers were, so I could put the tired little ones to bed, I found Harold still at the old house all alone. I had to resetsim him to get him to his new home with the rest of the family.

Safe and sound in his bed now, although it looks like he wants more cuddle time with dad.

Gee, thanks, Gavin Vulpis-Pinkerton! That just set the Simself-Woods family funds to zero! I cheated and gave them §5000 so the move wouldn't destitute them.

NOTE: I wonder if it is because I sold the furniture in a rental?

Happenings Around Town:

Martin Flannagan has been promoted to Roadie in the Music career.

Sprotten Sprottenham has been repairing things around town.

There were a lot of birthdays today:

Keith Parrott-Rees' older brother Torrey Parrott is now a teenager.

Trenton Stanford-Singleton's older sister Danette Pelley also became a teenager. She has the same hairstyle as her mother Imogen Pelley.

Craig Clarson celebrated becoming an adult at Adventure Landing in the middle of winter.

Nikkei Simmer is now an adult.

Vallari Chandra is now an elder.

Nicola Stanford is an adult. I'm not sure if I like her new hairstyle or not. Should I change it back?

Janie Preston-Burton is also an adult.

David Arellano was training AJ Bishop.

Lisa Dawnlight is stalking Chuck Hobble.

Bekkasan Sim and Kenji Midden were seen flirting with one another.

@thuggishsplicer - @emorrill - @Hemera123 - @TinySpaceFox - @Sprottenham - @king_of_simcity7 - @Nikkei_Simmer - @CravenLestat - @lisasc360 - @bekkasan - @Zinniavanilla

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