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Simselves 3.20

Week 3, Friday, part 3

It's two days before spring and the geese are flying back in a snowstorm.

I found Craig Clarson at the consignment store playing with the virtual reality goggles.

And it appears that Craig Clarson has been unfaithful to Sugar Tee.

I wonder who he cheated on her with?

Left to right:

Romantic Interests - Nicola Stanford, Amber Strong, Tiffani Strong, Gracey Loveland, Imogen Pelly

Girlfriend: Sugar Tee

Ex-girlfriend: Lexi Rykins

Daughters: Cynnamon Tee-Clarson, Kenyatta Rykins-Clarson, Camellia Tee-Clarson

And he's currently "chatting" with a random Sim.

Alouette Bird and Chuck Hobble have hooked up.

Chuck Hobble has been dating Honey Darnell.

And he called to chat with Amber Strong as well. He's making the rounds.

Cashew Fairfax could become a nuisance. If this keeps up, I may be forced to put him up for adoption. Maybe he'll settle down after he becomes an adult dog.

Sprotten Sprottenham has been doing repairs as a side-hustle.

Benjamin Schmidt has been climbing the corporate ladder. He is now Vice President of the company. I wonder if he will take Rodney Simovitch-Singleton's CEO position away from him?

I thought Benjamin went to the Watering Hole Saloon to celebrate, but he had other plans. He is reading The Epic of the Tattered Trousers.

Bekkasan Sim earned a promotion to Patrol Officer.

Bekkasan sure likes spending time with Cynnamon Tee-Clarson.

It's time for Shana Black-Tanner to celebrate her birthday and become a toddler. Her mom, Becky, doesn't look too thrilled about it.

Becky didn't even stay around for the transformation but went upstairs to chat with Nikkei Simmer on the computer.

Jazlyn Parrott has been promoted to Blue Light Special Designator.

I guess David Arellano just isn't feeling the Firefighter career. He re-enlisted in his Military career.

I'm going to stop fulfilling career wishes when I have a Simself household active. So far, they have all changed back to their previous careers.

Hmmm, could Alouette Bird be upset about all the other women that Chuck Hobble has been pursuing?

@king_of_simcity7 - @MamaSimTee - @KevinL5275 - @Sprottenham - @bekkasan - @Charlottesmom - @Nikkei_Simmer - @TinySpaceFox



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