Simselves 3.2
Week 3, Sunday, part 2
Another couple gets married. And we have a loiterer. Could this be the first step toward a stalker?
AJ Bishop and Cheri Nash are dating.

AJ Bishop has been working hard and can now write Drama novels.

AJ visited the bookstore and bought Where's the Soup. He sat down to read it right away.

David Arellano was playing guitar.

Kenji Midden gave flowers to Nicola Stanford.

Hemera Fin-Beckett took Jamel Fin-Beckett to the Lexington Grounds park.

Emma Fairfax and Booker Singleton are still together.

Happenings Around Town:

Lexi Rykins has been working on her Logic skill.

Emmaline Simself has been painting.

I found Emmaline Simself at the Appaloosa County Water Treatment Plant. She stopped to talk to the Weather Stone.

Sprotten Sprottenham has been loitering around Alouette Bird's house.

Emma Fairfax and Booker Singleton are now married. Emma Fairfax-Singleton has moved in with Booker Fairfax-Singleton.

Emma went straight to bed.

After taking care of Glint 3.0, Booker decided to do the same.

@CravenLestat - @TinySpaceFox - @texansky - @king_of_simcity7 - @Hemera123 - @emorrill - @KayzaPlyr - @Sprottenham - @bekkasan - @thuggishsplicer - Nikkei_Simmer