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Simselves 3.13

Week 3, Thursday, part 1

I checked the progress of a couple of paintings.

Martin Flannagan

Mark Simself-Woods

Mark Simself-Woods just finished his painting.

Bradley Hanover-Wallis is now the boss of Oriole Bird.

Cheri Nash finished her second novel [i]Oar and Geese[/i] (selling for §48) and is currently writing [i]Haunting Season[/i]...

...and Lisa Dawnlight is writing [i]The Power of Players[/i].

FUN FACT: The first time I checked Becky's inventory I realized that she is a witch. She has poisoned apples and a wand, as well as several potions.

BJ Bishop was mourning a friend at the cemetery.

Dizzy was haunting the cemetery while he was there.

Tiffani Strong increased her unmentionable skill.

Al Calavicci missed a child support payment.

I found Keagan Rees playing in the ocean in the middle of winter.

Jazlyn Parrott decided to join him.

Betty Simovitch-Singleton has been painting.

Kenyatta Rykins is doing her homework.

Dion Strong, son of Nikkei Simmer, talking with his mother, Tiffani Strong.

Alana Simself-Woods, daughter of Mark & Emmaline Simself-Woods, eating lunch.

Aisha Hanover-Wallis, daughter of Bradley, with her mother Jennifer:

Nicola Stanford found a Womrat.

Mark Simself-Woods has been posting on a blog.

Keagan Rees has been fixing things around town.

Lexi Rykins and David Arellano have split up.

Happenings Around Town

Alouette Bird has been stalking Sprotten Sprottenham again. Twice!

@TinySpaceFox - @thuggishsplicer - @king_of_simcity7 - @texansky - @lisasc360 - @Charlottesmom - @CravenLestat - @emorrill - @Hemera123 - @Sprottenham



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