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Simselves 2.19

(Posted on the forums on April 23, 2022, page 4344)

Last Baby Due (and last post) for a Little While

Week 2, Friday, part 6

Janie Preston-Burton is in labor in the gym parking lot. And there is a paparazzi in the background!

Who has now decided to come closer, freak out, and then go home?

And then Janie decided to drive herself home for the birth. It's hard to see her in the car.

Instead of going inside, she heads for the flower bed.

Meet Chadd Preston-Burton!

A better picture taken later:

Chadd Preston-Burton, son of Ross & Janie Preston-Burton.

Born: Week 2, Day 6 (at 23:58)

Sign: Aries

Favorites: Dark Wave, Mac and Cheese, Red

Traits: Loner, Brave

Janie! Chadd is not a plant Sim!

Well, there is only one crib. I guess I have to switch to their household and rectify that.

Safely tucked into his new crib. Janie was going outside to investigate strange lights when my game crashed, so she didn't get abducted after all. (I had saved just before this, so the only thing I had to redo was putting the little fella into his crib.)

Danette Pelly, sister to Trenton Stanford, just celebrated a birthday and is now a child.

Emmaline has learned the Athletic skill.

Well, I guess Sprotten Sprottenham chose Alouette Bird. She is now his partner.

Josh Black-Tanner! What are you doing?

Happenings Around Town (most are already listed above):

The following Sims increased their Athletic skill in the gym on Friday:

Jazlyn Parrott, Sam Fin-Beckett, Josie Vulpis-Pinkerton, Hemera Fin-Beckett, Hailey Shepherd, and Emmaline Simself

Hemera Fin-Beckett was training Hailey Shepherd.

The friendship between Vallari Chandra and Nikkei Simmer is fading.



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