Forsythe Legacy: A Continuation - 8.24
Deer and the rainbow bridge:
A deer was grazing on the property this morning.
I found Dominick and Tanika flirting in the sub-basement. Dominick is constantly finding Tanika to flirt with her and kiss her.
Dominick became delusional, and breathing into a paper bag didn't help. He had to be admitted to the hospital. Tanika waited for him to be released so she could drive him home.
Greggory Gaddis-Crouch has finally reached adult status. He is a fairy and has outlived his wives, Raquel Forsythe, and Alexa Forsythe. They were part of the sixth generation. His son Elroy Forsythe-Crouch is an elder.
Tanika reads Derek a bedtime story.
Zhan and Karen have a private moment. Wouldn't it be a little cramped in there?
All of the rocking chairs are full. Busy night in the cemetery.
Bart Forsythe and Irma Forsythe-Crouch started dating. They are second cousins.
Kristy Forsythe-MacDonald has become an elder and retired from her career.
Allan Hamlin-Forsythe also had a birthday and retired.
The family dog, Toule, has passed over the rainbow bridge.
Lawrence Crouch-Bach has become a teenager.
Ben Forsythe and Lena Hamlin-Beam have started dating.
Faith has taken up a family pass-time, writing.
Noah and Lorena have three children together but do not live together. They are second cousins.
Sharla Crouch-MacDonald just celebrated a birthday. She is now a teenager.
Remo Lestat has passed on. He is the puppy I found in Craven Lestat's house after he died. His other dog Austin Lestat also passed after Craven did. I have moved the headstones for Craven and his dogs to the Forsythe family cemetery in honor of an old friend.
Ben takes after his fourth great-grandmother and is a writer.
Ursula Lawson-MacDonald came home with Derek after school and they did homework together. She didn't leave until the wee hours of the morning. I hope the police didn't pick her up for breaking curfew.