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Forsythe: Generations 9.16

Week 55: Tuesday, part 2

Happenings Around Town:

Ben Forsythe has paid off his tax debt. It's too bad that he couldn't enjoy being debt free. He passed on this evening.

Lawrence Crouch-Bach and Ursula Lawson-MacDonald (now Lawson-Bach) have moved to their own home due to overcrowding.

I wonder who Jerrod Hamlin-Cagle has been flirting with? I am guessing it is Jaimey Schaffer.

Lau Burr and Danny Forsythe-Crouse are getting to know one another.

Danny Forsythe-Crouse is sitting on the couch watching the Kids' channel and Lau Burr decided to sit on Regan's lap.

Tate Forsythe-Beam and Tammy Spann-Forsythe were talking outside the school after the badging ceremony and this happened. Just... no! I don't care if you are only 4th cousins, once removed. Tate is supposed to be marrying Judy Burr-Kern, the mother of his son Jacob Burr-Forsythe.

Brett Crouch-Forsythe (now Grimm-Forsythe) has celebrated a birthday and is now an adult.

Jacob Burr-Kern is celebrating a birthday today. He decided to have his birthday alone in front of the Liz Tarry-Forsythe Science Facility on the way home from his badging ceremony.

He is now a teen.

Because of his indifferent study habits, the Clumsy trait was chosen for him.

Derek Spann-Crouse finished his painting. I decided I wouldn't frame this one. I hung it by the stairwell by the master bedroom.

Right after Jacob arrived home, he discovered that his paternal grandfather Vicente Archuleta-Beam passed away.

Eduardo Crouch-MacDonald has earned a promotion to Rookie in his Music career. His half-sisters, Elizabeth (standing) and Lakeisha are next to him.

Einstein Crouch-MacDonald and Gloria Hamlin-Beam (now both Hamlin-MacDonald) are expecting a baby.

Jacob is hiding out from the annoying University Mascot.

Sharla Crouch-MacDonald has earned a promotion to Roadie in her Music career.

Happenings Around Town:

Elliot Crouch-Forsythe, the only child of Ben Forsythe, inherited his father's estate. Elliot's mother Irma Forsythe-Crouch, is still living.

Despite being married to Dax Forsythe-Crouch, Joy Grimm-Brunson (now Brunson-Forsythe) has been stalking her ex, Tyler Spann, the father of her daughter Sophia Brunson-Spann.

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