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Forsythe: Generation 9.32

Week 57: Wednesday

Zhan's brother Shen Su has passed on.

Regan has been bestowed the titles of Canvas Cretin, Finger Painter, and Paintbrush Patsy by the town council. She is currently at level 4 in her Painter career and is just §87 away from level 5.

Derek has reached level 9 in his Painting skill. One more level and he can concentrate on his writing skill. His Lifetime Wish is to be an Illustrious Author.

Biscuit Little Dog has passed on. He was a pet of Shellie Forsythe-Crouch and her son Ellis Forsythe-Burr.

I can't believe this is the first time that Derek has played chess!

Derek is getting noticed around town and is now a Notable Figure.

Tate is hot on his heels in his own rise to fame.

Not to be outdone, Zhan is neck and neck with Derek and is also a Notable Figure.

Shellie Forsythe-Crouch has earned a promotion to Vice Squad!

Joy Brunson-Forsythe has been promoted to Traffic Cop. She is holding her son, Jeremie.

Judy is hard at work on her Martial Arts practice.

Gerardo Hamlin-Arce and Clint Bruce were seen gossiping at the Summer Festival.

Derek just completed a portrait of Tate.



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