Forsythe: Generation 9.3
Week 53: Sunday
A bit of background on my Forsythe Legacy Challenge game. I originally started out in Sunset Valley, but after about 39 weeks of game time, the save became corrupt. I could no longer save it and the most recent save wouldn't even open. I was able to open the previous save (Save As is my friend) and used the Porter mod to move all of the families from Sunset Valley.
I decided to try a new world by Rflong7 (Rflong13) called Glenvale County. I was able to settle the individual families into their new homes and continue to play the challenge. In my story, their home was destroyed by a tornado and they had to move (See Forsythe: Generation 7.7). My current saved game in Glenvale County is just starting the 14th week of game time. So, my entire challenge is just starting week 53 of game time. I will try to include some time references in my posts going forward.
Regan was abducted by aliens.
Shellie Forsythe-Crouch and Dana Grimm-Brunson are having relationship issues. I wonder if it has anything to do with Tammy going on a date with Dana last week?
Dominick was having a psychotic episode.
Dominick had a wish to visit a park, and both he and Tanika were going stir-crazy, so I sent them to The Gazebo.
Allan Hamlin-Forsythe and Isabel Spann can't make up their minds about their relationship. Allan's father Oryan married Isabel's mother Eve, so they are step-siblings.
Tanika makes a good living with her writing. This is what she earns per week on the books listed. Not bad, Tanika!
Gloria Hamlin-Beam and Einstein Crouch-MacDonald are still together...
or are they just friends? This is from the summary for the night.
Zhan took a job as a bouncer at the Aaron Forsythe Theater. It was a quiet night.
Bart Forsythe and Irma Forsythe-Crouch appear to be getting along well. They are third cousins.
Noah Forsythe-Crouch celebrated a birthday and is now an elder.
Einstein Crouch-MacDonald is now a young adult.
Shellie Forsythe-Crouch is also a young adult.