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Forsythe: Generation 9.15

Week 55: Tuesday, part 1

Eduardo Crouch-MacDonald and Tameka Betts are in a steady relationship.

Dax Forsythe-Crouch's friendship with Mandy Osorio has been fading recently. It might be because he has been spending more time with Joy Grimm-Brunson.

Dax and Joy are now married and living in the same house. I changed their married names to Brunson-Forsythe.

Carie Spann-Forsythe and Laurence Burgess-Arce are still together after all these years.

Derek invited Kari Liu over. They hugged and then he went in for the kiss. Success!

They took a romantic photo together. He's thinking about how the picture will turn out and she's thinking a bit further ahead.

Kari asked him a question and after answering the question, he decided to berate her ignorance! Sims are so plumb! She didn't give him a chance to apologize. She just ran to the curb and hopped in a taxi!

Ben Forsythe adopted a dog named Rusty Forsythe. Ben is on his last legs and he has a new companion animal.

Happenings around town:

Lawrence Crouch-Bach and Ursula Lawson-MacDonald are now married and moved in together. Their surname is now Lawson-Bach.

Ben Forsythe and Kristy Forsythe-Crouch have been flirting. His now ex-girlfriend, Irma Forsythe-Crouch, is not happy about it!

Autumn Hamlin, Oryan Forsythe's wife from generation 6, is still alive at 106. Their children Allan and Lorena Forsythe-Hamlin are 89 and 83 respectively. Oryan and Autumn have four great-grandchildren.

When she entered the salon, Ben thought of her as dead.

I checked her personal status. Autumn is listed as 106, but she is listed as having died of old age when I click on her and view her personal status.

NOTE: I was unable to view any stats for Autumn (personal status, family tree, etc) using NRAAS Master Controller on a computer. She simply didn't show up on the list as either alive or dead. I finally used resetsim and she disappeared from the salon and now shows up on the dead list. So I guess she died today at 106, as I have no idea how long she had been in limbo between life and death.

NOTE: Autumn Hamlin was reported as having died in post 8.21, but apparently that death didn't process to completion. I'm not sure if she was 106 when she died, or if her age continued to increment after she died.

The only Sim left from the 6th generation is Greggory Gaddis-Crouch, a fairy, who is a 73-year-old adult with 84 days until elder.

Karen Spann-Crouse has just improved her Gambling skill to level 4.

Apparently, she hit a jackpot today.

Jacob Burr-Kern has been active in the Scouts. Today, he has a Badging Ceremony at school.

Some of the family members were able to attend the Scout recital.

Tammy Spann-Crouse:

Zhan and Karen Su:

His father, Tate Forsythe-Beam:

His mother, Judy Burr-Kern, was unable to attend as she was at work.

Jacob earned a badge!

The ceremony is over and Jacob received a participation trophy!

Shellie Forsythe-Crouch has received a promotion to Patrol Officer in her Law Enforcement career.

Derek Spann-Crouse has improved his painting skill to level 6. I love this painting. I will need to find a place in the house to hang it when he is finished.



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