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Camping Week 5


I sent Mahala to the graveyard to collect seeds. She found three uncommon, three rare, and two special seeds. She has no room to plant them at the moment, so for now, they will remain in her inventory.

Mahala wanted to catch an insect so I bought her a collection helper. After several unsuccessful attempts around town, she finally caught a cockroach behind the criminal warehouse. She did some dumpster diving while she was there.

I forgot to have Mahala pay the bills from Thursday, so the repo man showed up and confiscated the tiki torch. No loss, as it was a dumpster find. I'll need to be more mindful of the day of the week.

On the way home, Mahala swung by the diner and market to check for treasures.

Total haul: some copper, three butterflies, a fortune cookie maker, a living room chair, and a wall hanging. She found a cockroach, a trash can, some quartz, a lamp, and a bench.

Mahala received §11 in royalties for The Secret Life of My Simself which she received in the mail today.

She sold a space rock for §42. She sent three silver, three iron, and a copper to be smelted (§280). She sent smoky quartz, quartz, and a diamond to be cut into pear-shaped gems (§105).

I sent Mahala to donate her insects to science. She received §133.

She finally improved her guitar skill to level 5 and learned the composition Yes Ma'am, I Do.

Savings: §1809


I sent Mahala to the market first thing in the morning. She sold her produce for §764. She also bought and learned the blue recipes (§225).

She played for tips in front of the market. She earned §164 and is now level 6 in her guitar skill.

Christopher Steel and Pauline Wan were dancing to her music. Then Dustin Langerak and Jamie Jolina decided to dance later on.

She had the wish to learn a new composition so I sent her to the bookstore to purchase Flamenco Fever (§250).

Mahala paid the bills (§86) and sold the gems received in the mail for §351 and the metals for §525.

She took a shower and went to bed.

Savings: §3052


She worked in the garden and sorted out her plants. She is working on getting perfect specimens of all of the plants in her garden. After removing some plants that were perfect, but didn't pay much, she planted some special, rare, and uncommon seeds in their place.

Mahala chatted online for a while, then worked on a new trashy novel entitled Forbidden Fruit.

She went to bed at midnight.



Mahala woke up at 9:00 and made fruit parfait for breakfast.

After tending the garden, I sent her around town collecting rare and special seeds. Then I sent her dumpster diving.

Total haul: some copper, two moths, some tanzanite, an end table, a pink flamingo, a smoky quartz, a ladybug, a dining chair, two benches, and a stove.

Savings: §3052


She must like the fruit parfait. This is the second time she has made it autonomously.

After tending the garden, she wanted to play for tips, so I sent her to the park to play until 20:00. She earned §46. Nick and Vita Alto danced to her music.

Afterward, she decided to fish and caught a salmon weighing over 10kg.

Mahala used the restroom, grabbed a plate, and headed for home when she was finished eating at 22:30.

She paid the bills (§68), washed her breakfast dish, and went to bed.

Savings §3030


Mahala tended the garden, had bread and jam for breakfast and started working on her latest novel.

She didn't even submit any chapters when she decided to chat online with Tori Kimura. She is in a relationship with Christopher Steel.

I had her focus on her novel again and she finally submitted her first chapters for §36. She reached level 5 in writing before finishing for the evening.

She decided to read her own book The Secret Life of My Simself until Victoria Andrews called to chat at about 21:40. She headed for bed at 22:50.

Savings: §3066


She woke up at 5:00 and made waffles for breakfast.

After tending the garden and having a shower, Leighton Sekemoto called and asked Mahala out for a date. He is the one suspected of sending the Overjoyed with Love watercolor.

She ran down to the Police Station and found him in the parking lot. They had hearts for one another.

Leighton is 4 days older than Mahala. He is a starter in his professional athletics career. She learned that he is ambitious. He is a Capricorn and Family Oriented. Unfortunately, he is the boyfriend of Morgana Wolff. He has a teenage son named Sam. His mother is unknown.

She finds him blindly stunning and he finds her hot. They discussed their favorite colors. Hers is spiceberry and his favorite color is purple. They talked about gardening.

She tried being romantic with him, but he rejected her advances. I guess there is no reason to convince him to break up with Morgana at this time. She said goodbye and headed for home.

The first thing she did was enthuse over the watercolor. Maybe I'll have her try again if he breaks up with Morgana or if they are best friends. We'll have to see.

I gave her a chance to choose something to do, but she just stood there, so I sent her dumpster diving.

Total haul: a towel rack, a television, a living room chair, a cockroach, a lamp, a loveseat, a butterfly, an alarm clock, a beetle, a fortune cookie maker, a trash can, and a dining chair.

She went home, showered, ate soup, and was in bed before 23:30.

I cleaned out the family inventory and sold all the furnishings and decorations she would not need for her home. She got §5433 for all of it.

She sent off some copper to be smelted (§40), and two gems to be cut into pear shapes (§70).

Savings: §8389



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