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Camping Week 4


Today, Mahala spent the entire day doing what she wanted.

Mahala got the mail and received her geode and gold. She sold both for §348.

After tending the garden, she had waffles for breakfast and read Murder in Pleasantview.

She had the wish to donate to a good cause, so she donated to the Ocean (§100), then autonomously emptied the recycle bin and cleaned the sink. I decided to install the dishwasher she found earlier.

Mahala wanted to write a novel, so she went to the library. She received §27 for submitting chapters of her work.

She headed home at 21:00 where she finished reading Murder in Pleasantview. She wanted to have leftover waffles for a midnight snack but they had gone bad so she settled for some ice cream.

She went to bed after emptying the recycle bin.

Savings: §2422


Mahala slept in today. Then she cleaned the outhouse and paid the bills (§64).

She made mac and cheese for lunch.

As she had the cheap dishwasher, I had her upgrade it to silent running.

She finally headed out to the garden at 16:00.

When finished she put away the leftovers and emptied the recycle bin.

She viewed her new wall hanging. She neither loved it nor hated it.

She played guitar for a bit, then received a call from her old friend Erin Kennedy.

She headed to bed at 23:00.

Savings: §2358


When she got up, she played guitar for a bit and received another call from Erin. If I didn't know better, I would think that Erin doesn't want her to get better at guitar. I sent Mahala to the garden.

She then played guitar and raised her skill to level 4. She still has another level to go before she can learn the composition.

I sent her to the market to sell her produce for §1687.

She wished to play guitar in the park, so I sent her across the street.

Mahala convinced Illana Langerak that technology can be a good thing. She was paid §250.

I had her check out the dumpsters at the diner and the market. While at the diner, she decided to eat dinner (§18).

She discovered two dressers, a loveseat, a phone, an end table, and a dining chair.

Savings: §4277


Mahala got the mail and discovered she has a secret admirer. She received this watercolor entitled Overjoyed with Love with no note attached.

While gardening, Mahala completed the Botanical Boss Skill Challenge. She is just one perfect plant away from fulfilling her lifetime wish. Her egg and cheese and plants are ready to harvest. She harvested four pieces of cheese and three eggs.

She planted the rare seed and sold the others for §26.

She sold her produce at the market for §618 then played guitar outside the market.

Leighton Sekemoto was watching from afar and they had hearts for one another. Could he be her secret admirer?

Mahala found and sold a couple of seeds for §8 and went dumpster diving before heading home.

Her haul: a wall hanging, some crocks, a butterfly, a dining chair, a loveseat, and a trashcan.

She got drinks after her excursion (§5).

Here is everything Mahala currently has in her family inventory from dumpster diving.

I decided to sell both of the crocks and the rug, as well as the wall hanging on the left as she already has that one. She received §140. The rest shall remain in her inventory for now.

She bought a fire alarm for her propane barbecue grill (§100).

Savings: §4964.


Today was a do what you want day. I just let her do what she wanted after tending the garden. I didn't pay much attention to what she did.

Savings: §4964


After tending her garden, Mahala went to the library to try to finish her novel The Secret Life of My Simself. She received §20 for submitting her final chapters. Her first book was a flop. She will receive only §11 in royalties for the next six weeks.

Mahala increased her writing skill to level 4, then headed across the street to fish in the park.

Savings: §4984


While Mahala was sleeping, she fulfilled her lifetime wish of The Perfect Garden.

While tending the garden, I had Mahala upgrade all of the plants that were not yet perfect and plant two of the three uncommon seeds. She sold the other seeds she found for §25.

My goal with the garden is to get all of the plants to perfect quality and keep only those that sell for the most. I will still have an apple tree, some lettuce and tomatoes, and grapes for making nectar. Obviously, this will not happen for a while yet.

She has the wish to write a book worth §30 in royalties, so I decided to get her a laptop (§4000).

Mahala went to the market and received §782 for selling fruits and vegetables and §217 for the fish.

Savings: §2008



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