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Camping Week 1

The Beginning

This is Mahala Shores' home lot at the start of the challenge.

Mahala Shores has the following traits: Loves the Outdoors, Good, Green Thumb, Athletic, and Angler. She likes Pop music, Waffles, and Spiceberry. Her Lifetime Wish is The Perfect Garden.


The first thing I did was send Mahala to the park to harvest some apples.

I then had her do some fishing.

She had the wish to do a strength workout, so I sent her to the gym. She pumped some iron, then used the facilities to shower and get a refreshing drink.

She jogged home...

...planted a couple of apples...

...and retired for the night.

Savings: §50


After watering her apple trees, she headed for the market and sold the minnows she caught the day before. She received §36 for them.

Mahala then headed out back to search the dumpster for any treasures. She found a couch and a geode.

After a successful hunt, she decided to check out the dumpsters at Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner. She found two butterflies, a beetle, and a pad and pen set.

She donated the insects to Science and received §47.

She sold the sofa and pad and pen set for §1112.

She sent the geode off to be cut (§45) and paid the bills (§37).

Mahala went to the Science Facility to attend a gardening class (§400).

She went to the park and collected some seeds. She sold some of them for §8.

She met Erin Kennedy at the park and they played chess for a while before Mahala went home and planted more seeds in her garden and retired for the night.

Savings: §771


Mahala tended her garden, fertilizing the trees with her goldfish.

She bought a small recycle bin for the kitchen (§25).

She had the wish to read a book about gardening so I sent her to the library. She increased her skill to level 6.

Mahala had the wish to find some seeds, so I sent her across the street to the park. She found raspberry and lettuce seeds, as well as another unknown uncommon seed. She now has three uncommon seeds to plant when she gets home. After harvesting the apples at the park and catching some butterflies, she fished for a bit and caught a goldfish. She then had the wish to grow a lime tree, so I sent her to the store to buy a lime to plant (§9).

I sent Mahala to the library to read a book about cooking. Once she learned the cooking skill, I sent her home.

She spent (§11) somewhere, but I'm not sure where.

Savings: §726


She received her polished split-cut geode in the mail. She sold it for §115 and sold the extra tomato seed for §3.

After planting her seeds and tending the garden, I sent Mahala to donate her butterflies. She received §163.

Mahala had the wish to reach level 4 in athletics so I sent her to the gym. I had her grab some bread and jam to boost her carbs before she worked out on the treadmill for a while.

Since she was already stinky and needed a shower anyway, I sent her to the market and the diner to dumpster dive. She found a love seat, a pad and pen set, a breakfast table, a towel ring, a post light, and a geode.

She didn't sell any of her finds.

Savings: §1007


She had the wish to weed the garden and improve her gardening skill, so she tended the garden bright and early.

It took her five hours to tend the garden, so she decided it was time to buy a sprinkler (§90).

She supplied some apples to Hogan's diner and received §430 for them. While there, she decided to eat lunch (§12).

Mahala had the desire to read a gardening book, so I sent her to the library.

She wished to group up with Erin Kennedy, who happened to be sitting right next to her, so they went to the park to play some chess. Erin won the game.

She went fishing for a while and reached level 3.

She went home and paid the bills (§32).

Savings: §1303


Mahala tended the garden then receive her geode back from the gem cutter and sold it for §220.

She had a good harvest, so she decided to invest in a vegetable storage cabinet and a box to store her good seeds (§290).

The theater had a 20% discount on the guitar class, so Mahala attended (§320). Mahala sold her surplus and some minnows to the market for §58. She then went dumpster diving in the back. She found an end table and a paper towel holder.

She met Christopher Steel and they were attracted to one another. He is a Libra, which is not a compatible sign, but they found each other extremely attractive. He had to go to work, so they didn't have much time to chat.

Mahala was starving, so I sent her across the street to the Bistro (§50). This was her first visit.

She had the offer to increase her athletic skill for some simoleons, so she went to the gym and ran on the treadmill for a while. I then sent her to dumpster dive at the diner. She found two butterflies, some quartz, and some turquoise.

Before heading home, I sent her to the stadium to report on her athletic progress. She received §350 for her dedication. They recommended she buy some fitness equipment, but she hasn't got room to put it in yet, so she decided to wait and just use the gym for now.

Savings: §1271


After Mahala finished her garden, she stored her best seeds and put five apples in the vegetable bin. She had the wish to grow bell peppers, so I sent her to the store. She also bought some links to see if she can cook them on the portable fire pit (§58 for all). She sold her extra produce for §87. While she was there, she checked out the dumpster and found a microwave and a decorative box to cover her tissues.

I sent her to dumpster dive at the diner and she scored a geode, some gold, a lamp, and a cockroach. Eeew!

She went home and threw up. After a shower and eating some roasted links, she sent the gems off to be cut and the gold to be smelted (§105).

A trip to the Science Facility netted her only §18.

She wanted to buy a guitar (§800).

Savings §413



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