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Simselves 1.4

(Posted on the forums on January 20, 2017, page 1090)

Emmaline Simself never changes clothes! Here she is at the Salon dancing with Evan Noble, the stylist.

Josh Tanner just had lunch at the diner.

Nicola Stanford was seen at the grocery store this afternoon.

Ross Preston-Burton was seen at the Watering Hole Saloon telling the bartender what it's like to be a new father.

Janie Preston-Burton joined Ross.

Ross offered to take Janie away from it all.

Keagan Rees stopped by the Watering Hole Saloon for a bite to eat.

Josie Vulpis has arrived home.

Her first priority is to fill the cat dishes. She still has only one kitten.

Rodney Singleton and Betty Simovitch appear to be an item.

Becky Black is keeping in shape at the fitness center.

Jennifer Hanover-Wallis stopped to smell the flowers on her way home.

She made her way straight to the fridge to make some hot dogs.

She waited impatiently for the microwave to finish.

Vallari Chandra is now an Amateur Gamer in the Nerd Group.

Kismet Black is now an adult horse.

And apparently Becky Black and Josh Tanner have gotten married!

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