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Simselves 1.1

(Posted on the forums on January 2, 2017, page 1022)

Week 1: Monday & Tuesday

A notification came up about Mark Woods and his writing career, so I peeked in on him. Lo and behold, my Simself, Cheri Nash paid him a visit.

And they started flirting with one another!

After flirting a second time, Cheri walked off and I found her in the mancave!

Cheri then went home. It appears that she's purchased a laptop of her own rather than using the one provided for her in the house.

I tried to get a picture of Emmaline in her home but found her in front of the grocery store. Obviously, she just got off work.

Vallari, being a kleptomaniac stole someone's laptop. I made her return it.

Becky Black is a Writer in addition to working in the Medical career.

Townie Gavin Pinkerton and Josie Vulpis have hooked up. Sam Beckett and Hemera Fin have been seen flirting. Cheri Nash and Mark Woods are dating. Craven Lestat and townie Alouette Bird were caught flirting! I wonder if Betty Simovitch knows this?

Booker Singleton failed to pay his child support and ended up in jail.

Emmaline Simself in front of her home (still wearing her work clothes).

Nicola Stanford broke up with Booker Singleton. Maybe because he wasn't supporting his infant daughter? And she's still stalking Josh Tanner. Also, Josh Tanner met up with townie Felipe Marshall for a friendly outing. Emmaline and Kenji Midden are friends.

Josh Tanner and Becky Black are engaged.

Sam Beckett and Hemera Fin started dating.

Cheri Nash and Mark Woods are in love.

Craven Lestat decided to visit the beach. He doesn't look very happy.

Betty Simovitch driving to the Spa in Craven's car.

She's not keeping her secret any longer. I checked, and the father is Benjamin Schmidt. No wonder Craven Lestat was looking a little down.

Emmaline Simself having a conversation with Tate Curley.

Lisa Dawnlight has apparently adopted a kitten. Meet Mura Dawnlight. Betty is feeding her a treat.

Bradley Hanover-Wallis was reading in the library.

Jennifer Hanover-Wallis was visiting the Equestrian Center.

Josh Tanner was also visiting the Equestrian Center.

Lexi Rykins is apparently affected by the full moon! She's a zombie and hanging out in the Newton Cemetery.

Ross Preston-Burton is hanging out in the library.

Despite being pregnant, Janie Preston-Burton is keeping fit. (And I checked, it is Ross' baby.)

Nicola Stanford has found herself in the family way. The father is Booker Singleton.

I found Emmaline Simself at the Summer Festival.

Josie Vulpis and Kanoa Parrott were dancing at the Summer Festival.

Sam Beckett and Hemera Fin are now committed to one another.

Al Calavicci and Hailey Shepherd will soon be parents. Al tends to deal with a lot of software failures, as often as he kept whacking that hand-held in Quantum Leap!

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