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Forsythe: Generation 8.4

The Legacy Home Changes Hands:

Violet was cooking and decided to look at the pretty lights in the sky. Note the frying pan stuck to her hand. LOL

The Forsythe cemetery is very active this evening. How many ghosts do you see?

I found Alexa at City Hall. I have no idea why she was there.

Faith moved out on her own and I got this message. She had met him at the Fall Festival.

And apparently, Faith is now the boss of her elder cousin Alexa. *1st cousin, once removed.

I was able to move in Regan's parents, Dominick and Tanika, as well as her sister Karen and their cat Fred and dog Toule.

The first thing Tanika did was pick up Regan.

Elroy busking for tips again. This time at The Water Hole Juice Bar.

Dominick had to go to the hospital because he became very unstable.

His father, Waylon Crouch-Crouse came to visit him at the hospital.

Dominick arrived home just in time for Regan's birthday. (This time around, her parents were there, but they didn't have a cake or a party. I'm such a bad person.)

Dominick holding Regan's sister Karen while admiring his wife Tanika.

This is French Fry. He's got an interesting combination of markings.

Faith Forsythe and Vicente Archuleta-Beam are now committed to one another.

Tanika is fascinated with the baby mobile.

Karen aged up into a toddler all by herself.

Dad was gambling in the basement.

Mom was sleeping.

Cousins Bart and Ben were painting downstairs.

And cousin Violet was off in her own little world as usual.

(I have no idea where the butler was.)

Unexpected pregnancy: Faith Forsythe and Vicente Archuleta-Beam.

Alexa and Greggory are still madly in love with one another.

Regan and Karen playing peek-a-boo!

Waylon Crouch-Crouse (Dominick's father), seems to have found love in his later years.

The Grimm-Brunson family has a new addition. Grant and Kiki had a son and named him Weston. Also pictured is their daughter Jaclyn, friends with Bart.

Alexa rode her bike home after getting promoted to Flight Officer.

Dominick's father, Waylon Crouch-Crouse, has passed away. He was 93. Dominick and his sister Jillian split his estate.

Autumn Hamlin reached the top of their Writing career. Whenever I checked in on her, she was furiously writing away. Surprisingly, she has not reached her lifetime wish of making 4000 simoleans a week in royalties.

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