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Forsythe: Generation 7.12

An Unexpected Death in the Family:

The family visited the summer festival at the cannery. I pretty much let them choose what they wanted to do.

Violet and Bart wanted to compete in the eating competition.

Daniel decided to go upstairs and read.

Faith and Liz got snow cones. I didn't get a picture of Liz with her snow cone.

Ben wanted to practice soccer.

Liz fed one of the neighborhood dogs a treat. He was begging.

Liz achieved her Lifetime Wish to become a Scientific Specialist. Both Daniel and Liz are so happy, they are in tears.

Faith had the wish to eat at the Bistro. For some reason, Faith and this townie changed into formal wear while they were talking to one another.

A random townie couple in love.

Violet contemplates the meaning of meaning after work.

This week's happenings around town:

Noah Forsythe-Crouch celebrated his birthday and became a child.

Elroy Forsythe-Crouch became a teen.

Lorena Hamlin-Forsythe aged up into a child.

On Saturdays, the Sims are free to do what they want.

Daniel watching the cooking channel.

Liz puttering in the garden.

Faith breaking boards, while Ben plays the guitar.

Violet practicing science.

Bart watching Ben play guitar.

Liz wanted to watch Ben play.

Daniel and Faith soon joined them.

Ben achieved level 5 in guitar. You can see Violet contemplating the meaning of love in the background.

Ghost was haunting the garden. I wonder if he needs an exorcist?

While watching Ben, this happened. Liz was barely 90.

Kitty Cat showed up to welcome Liz to the afterlife.

Everyone is mourning except the new butler, Gabriela Douglass. Being practical, she's thinking it's a good time to feed the family.

Being the brooding type, Violet dwells on her mother's death, then crawls into bed, unable to cope with life.

Kristy Forsythe-Crouch celebrated a birthday and became a teenager.

Allan Hamlin-Forsythe also became a teen.

Jamming out to Ben's music.

Allan and Kristy are second cousins.

I'll bet these two have the eternally faithful moodlet.

Ben is the only one who can make Violet smile.

Faith, on the other hand, likes to torture her younger brother. She must have nailed him at least five times with her fastball.

Jaclyn Grimm-Brunson asked Bart out on a date. They met at Aleister's Elixirs and Sundries. I've caught him thinking about her a few times but didn't know who she was.

As soon as curfew hit, he immediately rolled the wish to go home. It looks like the date went well though.

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