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Forsythe: Generation 7.9

Parties and a Toddler:

It seems that Craven is interested in one of my Sims.

Apparently Raquel and Dominick didn't like their cottage, so they moved across the street.

Faith playing tic-tac-hoof.

Faith had a wish to brush Ghost. He is now 105.

It's Daniel's birthday. He didn't want a cake and all that fuss.

It seems that old age is catching up to Daniel, and he's feeling it in his back.

Their butler Kate Cain is not too happy to find out that she's going to have to take care of two babies. That's not what she signed on for.

Precious, the Forsythe legacy family founder, decided to visit the newest additions to the family.

Violet always knew she was going to go into the Journalism career. She rolled this wish as a young teen.

Alec decided to play tic-tac-hoof with the cow.

Jeremy decided to swing on the new swing set.

On their way to Oryan's party. Daniel and Faith must be riding in the trunk.

The gnomes are having a party of their own.

Daniel and Liz are all over each other at Oryan's party.

The gnomes are gathered around the playground equipment.

Liz feeding Ghost a treat. He's 108 now.

Dominick aged up to a toddler.

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