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Forsythe: Generation 7.6

Three Birthdays:

Faith grooming their new cat, Ghost.

Daniel feeding Ghost a treat.

Liz reading to Violet.

Alexa joined the Military career.

Dominick aged up to a toddler.

Daniel moved Alec Laughlin and Sean Goldman-Forsythe to the family graveyard.

Ghost hanging out on the kitchen counter.

Suzette feeding Ghost a treat.

Dominick's grandfather Jorge Crouch-Crouse passed away just before Violet's birthday. Waylon Crouch-Crouse is still in mourning.

Violet celebrates her birthday and ages up into a child.

This is what Oryan does with his time when everyone else is away.

Oryan playing laser tag with Ghost.

Checking himself out in the mirror.

Daniel was out of sorts again, so he had a fight with Charles the Evil Chicken. He won. That should improve his mood.

Oryan decides it's time for him to live on his own and get a life. He delves into the family coffers and purchases a home. He should be all right. He's getting almost $3000 a week in royalties right now.

His new home.

The first thing he does in his new home?

Being an author, he then sits down to read the competition.

Ghost loves the Pet Hygienator.

I found this guy striding through the park. I wonder what bills the City of Sunset Valley forgot to pay?

Daniel fulfilled his Lifetime Wish of becoming a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder!

Violet went to visit a friend and asked her to do their homework together. This is where her friend sat.

Faith celebrates her birthday and ages into a teen. Her parents forgot to get her a birthday cake. This could be traumatic for her.

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