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Adria Archuleta 4x4 Challenge, Week 7

Adria Adds Her 7th and 8th 4x4:

After Adria received her royalty payments on Sunday, she had enough to add her 7th 4x4. You can barely see the addition in the back right of the home. She decided to paint the house green.

Adria rewarded herself by spending some time playing games.

Brien O'Connell invited Adria to a formal party at his home. She discovered he was married.

Adria introduced herself to Riordan Mithrilan and they seemed to hit it off. He was single!

The next day, Adria went back to Riordan's house and their friendship continued to grow.

Riordan even hugged Adria autonomously.

After a short bit of conversation, apparently she passed out from boredom! LOL

Toward the end of the week, Adria had enough money from selling her crops to earn her 8th 4x4.

She decided she didn't like the green, so she painted the house white and changed out the plants around the house and greenhouse to pink roses.

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