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Adria Archuleta 4x4 Challenge, Week 5

Third and Fourth 4x4:

Adria working on her second romance novel, "Summer Breeze".

Adria reached 10,000 simoleans when she received her book royalties on Sunday. Here is the house.

Adria made spaghetti and veggie sauce for dinner.

And had french toast for breakfast.

Adria finished "Summer Breeze" and started on her third romance novel, "Fall Flame".

Adria had some Trick or Treaters come to the house.

Still working on her third romance novel, "Fall Flame".

Adria has mastered Gardening and Writing.

Adria earned enough simoleans to build her fourth 4x4.

Now she has a decent sized bedroom.

Adria mastered cooking.

Adria fulfilled her lifetime wish of growing a Perfect Garden.

Adria is still collecting gems and metals. At the end of week 5, she has 942 simoleans.

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