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Forsythe: Generation 6

Birthdays and a Birth Day:

Suzette fulfills her Lifetime Wish of becoming a Professional Author! Her latest book was a best seller with royalties of 2992 simoleans a week. The laptop in the background belonged to Precious, so it's been around a long time.

And Karri discovers she is pregnant.

Tony is thrilled about the baby.

Karri says her pregnancy makes her feel like a strong woman.

Tony has a birthday and becomes an adult. One of his paintings is in the background.

It's time to go to the hospital for the birth.

Meet Daniel Forsythe, the first of the sixth generation.

Karri is such a good mother. The unfinished painting in the background was one of Julia's. I didn't have the heart to get rid of it when she died.

Sara Joy becomes an adult. Lilliana needed two aquariums to hold all the fish she caught for her Lifetime Wish. (That's Michael Bachelor in the background. My ghosts are always around now. Sometimes I am tempted to hire a Ghostbuster! LOL)

Suzette becomes an adult. That's another one of Tony's paintings behind her.

Tony decides to take some classes at the University. (He had trash stuck in his inventory and it was the only way I could think of to get rid of it. LOL)

He spent most of his time playing guitar and ignoring all of his attractive female roommates. They were, of course, fawning all over him. Who wouldn't? Look at him!

Tony finished the semester with straight A's in Fine Arts. He is ready to return to his family.

Home at last. He makes his way straight for the crib to see little Daniel.

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