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Forsythe: Generation 4

Babies on the Way:

Without her mother to ask for advice, Julia decided she should read "Baby Incoming: Preparing with Vigilance", so she would know what to expect. She had a surprisingly easy pregnancy, not getting sick once.

With a baby on the way, Aaron decided he needed to make some extra simoleans.

Julia finished the book just in time. She went to the hospital the next day. Aaron and Julia were the proud parents of Andy Forsythe.

Look at that face. It's easy to tell that he doesn't like children. However, kudos to Aaron for stepping up to the plate and helping with the baby.

Julia appeared to be a very loving mother.

Julia gets a visit from Precious Forsythe.

Oh dear, what have Aaron and Julia been up to?

Julia loses points in the parenting department. She put the infant Andy down on the dirty bathroom floor and walked away, missing his birthday. Luckily Aaron was there to cheer him on.

Aaron: "C'mon Andy. Time for bed."

Andy is learning to talk.

Aaron isn't impressed with Precious' attempt at haunting him with the chair.

Julia: "Um, Aaron."

Aaron: "Yes?"

Julia: "I'm pregnant again."

Aaron: "Oh, boy!"

Julia: "It could be a girl you know."

Aaron: Oh, dear!"

Aaron: "Let's get you fed, Andy. Your mom is needing her rest."

Julia was really ill with this baby and spent most of her time either in the bathroom or the bed.

Baby Lilliana Forsythe came too fast and was born at home.

And again, mom puts the baby down on the bathroom floor! And this time uses the toilet while Lilliana is having her birthday!

Now it's Andy's turn to have a birthday. I didn't get any good photos of him as a child. Shortly after this, Aaron became an adult.

Andy and Lilliana playing hide a seek.

Gobias pays a rare visit to play with the toys.

Lilliana, as a toddler with the butler.

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