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Forsythe: Generation 3.3

Being an Adult Can Lead to Difficult Decisions:

Jeremy visited the cemetery and transferred Gobias Kaffi and Michael Bachelor to the family cemetery. Gobias didn't hesitate to visit the house to read a book.

And I caught Michael Bachelor playing in the sprinkler.

Jeremy decided it was time for Julia to have a portrait done.

Julia became an adult while on a date with Aaron Frank. Jeremy was there to cheer his daughter on.

Despite having mastered inventing, Jeremy still had his little accidents.

Jeremy and Julia have a rare meal together. She's been on call at the hospital so much they rarely see one another.

Jeremy builds a time machine!

Julia goes on another date with Aaron Frank. She decides to take a romantic selfie with him.

Aaron takes Julia's hands and looks into her eyes. She looks into his green eyes and falls head over heels in love.

Julia: "Dad, remember Aaron Frank? He was over here on my birthday? I think he's the one!"

Jeremy: "I remember. I didn't get time to really get to know him. Tell me about him."

Julia: "He's got the most exquisite green eyes. He's a musician, ambitious, and terribly romantic."

Jeremy was playing on the computer when he died. Regretfully, Julia was taking care of a medical emergency at the Salon and didn't make it home in time.

Jeremy: "Please don't take me now. I want to see my baby girl get married."

Grim Reaper: "When I come for you, it's time for you to go. You cannot persuade me otherwise."

Julia returns home to find that her father has passed away. Her grief is inconsolable.

Julia has a date with Aaron at the Bistro. She's still in mourning, but she knows she has to eat to keep up her strength for work.

Julia: "My father passed away. My heart is broken."

Aaron: "I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a great guy."

Aaron takes Julia in his arms and kisses her gently.

He gives her a back rub to help her relax.

During dinner, Julia has some time to think about her life. She decides that life is just too short, and she wants a family of her own. She asks Aaron to marry her, and he says yes!

Aaron asks her if she has any reason not to get married right away. She says she has no family to be there, so she has no reason to wait. They have a private ceremony at the Bistro.

They head off to bed as husband and wife. He quickly falls asleep, but Julia has a lot on her mind.

After I took the above screenshot, I decided that Aaron needed a makeover if he was going to be a musician.

He grew out his hair and bought some new clothes. Ooh-la-la!

I changed Julia's lipstick. Purple didn't really seem appropriate for an up-and-coming doctor.

While Aaron was at work, Julia discovered she was pregnant.

Julia wonders how Aaron will take the news. He told her he dislikes children.

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