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Forsythe: Generation 2.2

Love Is Not Just for the Young:

Jeremy Forsythe met Bella Bachelor, and it was love at first sight. She was older than him by a number of years, but that didn't matter to either of them.

He invited her over and they got along so well that he asked her to move in with him and Precious.

Bella didn't need much of a makeover. She just put on some lipstick.

Well, as things sometimes go with Sims, Bella told Jeremy that she had become pregnant. He was extremely happy about the news.

Bella began to show...

and Jeremy decided it was time to do the right thing...

Of course, she said "Yes."

With his mother Precious looking on, Jeremy and Bella had a private ceremony at home. Precious was already planning what she would get for the baby...

and then she started planning to remodel the house.

And so, now there were three members of the Forsythe family, with another one on the way.

Meanwhile, Precious had been dating Christopher Steel and was thinking she might be ready for a relationship of her own.

She asked him if he would consider marrying her...

And he agreed.

Regretfully, as things seem to go with Precious, Christopher died a few days later, before they were able to exchange vows.

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