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Forsythe: Generation 2.1

Everyone Grows Older:

Jeremy Forsythe is doing well in school. He made the honor roll.

Precious and Jeremy sold enough paintings and garden produce to afford an addition to their home. Jeremy was finally able to sleep in his own room.

Precious was finally able to afford a computer and started her very first novel, a SciFi titled Time Spy.

Precious went down to the courthouse and registered as a self-employed writer. She finished Time Spy and will be paid $35 in royalties for the next six weeks.

I just realized that Jeremy has been stealing things. I wondered where these items were coming from that showed up in the family inventory. He has returned everything that hadn't been sold to pay bills.

And received a stern lecture from his mother about stealing.

Jeremy became a young adult.

His mother was there to cheer him on.

Jeremy Forsythe as a young adult.

Precious became an elder.

Precious needs to write more books if she wants to realize her lifetime wish.

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